:: MacCVSClient
  File Formats and Contents

The file name extension tgz.

This is a standard UNIX tar file, gzipped. Fear not, StuffIt Expander 5.x and later will unpack this archive.

The documentation file contains both the MacCVSClient User Guide and FAQ.

The file name extension tbz.

This is a standard UNIX tar file, compressed with bzip2. The StuffIt Expander shipping with your version of Mac OS X should be able to unpack this file. You can also use bzip2 and tar directly in a terminal.

The Mac OS X version of MacCVSClient is packaged like this because some versions of StuffIt Expander fail to correctly unpack a native Mac OS X application file from a standard sit file. Read about the problem in Aladdin Sys' Tech Support area.

Rev. 1.9 LegalCopyright © 2000-2004 Jörg Bullmann