:: MacCVSClient :: FAQ
  Why does MacCVSClient seem to update files when I run a diff?

First: nothing is updated if you don't run an update command!

Second: under the following conditions, console messages similar to those of a CVS update command will be displayed:

  • you run a diff of a text file with the "full context" option enabled
  • you have given two revisions or tags in the diff dialog

To be able to display the full context diff, MacCVSClient has to

  1. retrieve the diff-base revision of the file (this actually is the context the diff data will be displayed in)
  2. run the diff to get the diff data

This retrieving the diff-base revision results in console messages similar to those of a CVS update command. Mind you, even under these circumstances, running a CVS diff never results in your working files being updated.

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